ravens, landscapes, watersheds, abstracts, animals, birds, flowers

For the last eighteen years my home has been Diamond Valley. This small town is situated along the Eastern slopes in Southern Alberta.

There are many inspiring vistas around us. I photograph what catches my eye. Intuitively I respond to what feels like a good composition.

My hope is that by painting the beautiful landscapes and incredible life around me, I am increasing awareness. Protecting our natural world and staying close to it, is important.

My work has been featured in several publications and my art is internationally collected.

Art by Mady

After several sketches I formulate my plan for the painting. Things can and do change, often. The challenge for me is to remain intuitively motivated. It is way more fun to paint spontaneously and reactively. Often colour leads the way, suddenly unexpected blobs of paint become exciting to work with. A new colour combo works surprisingly well. Other times, a slip of my brush can lead to a new direction.

I work with acrylic paints, on stretched canvas or birch wood panel. My brushes are well used and my easel is crusted with many layers of dried old paint.

I love to paint and I admire so many artists. I understand the long hours, solitude, and focus it takes. The quest for originality and being able to communicate well with paint, never ends.